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European Vipassana Retreat in Portugal

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    Jac Timms

Vipassana Retreat in Portugal

My Meditation Journey

I started meditating a few years ago. I tried a few apps to teach me, but the one that clicked was the app Calm - (click here for a 30 day guest pass), and in particular the 30-day meditation course from Jeff Warren on there. It was only afterwards that I learned that Jeff also has ADHD, which I think was a big part of why I resonated with his course.

Prior to 2024, my meditation practice was sporadic, and I would often skip days, but since 2024, I have been meditating every day.

This led me to finally book a Vipassana retreat, which I have heard amazing things about from every single person I have met who has been on one.

Selecting a Technique of Vipassana

I looked at the different options for Vipassana, and here in Europe, it's largely just Goenka Vipassana, which is the form of Vipassana that S.N. Goenka brought to the West.

The option I settled on was the Mahasi Sayadaw method, which emphasises the noting technique that focuses on observing the breath at the abdomen and maintaining continuous mindfulness throughout daily activities. This approach encourages practitioners to acknowledge and label their present-moment experiences, which helps to develop insight into the nature of reality and how our minds work.

In contrast, S.N. Goenka’s Vipassana method typically begins with Anapana meditation, focusing on the breath at the nostrils to develop strong concentration before transitioning to Vipassana for insight. While both approaches aim to cultivate mindfulness and liberation, the Mahasi method prioritises immediate and ongoing mindfulness with a structured noting practice, whereas Goenka’s technique follows a more phased progression from concentration to insight.

I chose this style because noting (or labelling) is already something familiar to me, having learned this as a strategy to manage the increased emotions that come as part of having ADHD. It just seemed to be something that would fit better with the way my brain works.

For those that have read Thinking, Fast and Slow, I like to think that the noting technique is basically asking for system two to monitor what system one is doing. It provides fascinating insights into not only how we live our lives, but how our minds work and how we spend so much of our lives on autopilot. It provides a method to retrain your brain to be more mindful and less automatic, so as to stay present, via mindfulness.

Mahasi Sayadaw Method

It turns out that the Mahasi method isn't so well taught in the West, which unfortunately seems to be in no small part because of the long-running situation in Burma where the Mahasi method originated.

However, I was very happy to discover that the Mahasi method is taught by Whit Hornsberger at the magical Bodhi Bhavan retreat centre.

Whit is an amazing teacher and has put together a course that takes you on a journey of self-discovery and learning to meditate with the Mahasi method. Whit has been practising for over 20 years, has done long periods of retreat at the Mahasi Monastery, and has a wealth of knowledge and experience that he shares with his students. He also has a love of science, in particular evolutionary science, which he integrates and discusses while you learn the method.

I loved the week-long course; I really did learn a lot, gained some truly life-changing insights into my own mind, and will be booking my next retreat there soon.

Bodhi Bhavan

The retreat centre is at the top of a mountain in Algarve; it was so peaceful, with the most amazing sunrises and sunsets each day.

The meditation hall is indoors, up the mountain path from the main house, which is a lovingly restored Portuguese farmhouse. The food was fantastic, all vegetarian, and really helped us all get through the tougher parts of the experience.

Final Thoughts

I would really recommend a Vipassana retreat to anyone, and I'm already planning my next one. It's really helped me to stay present, and I've never been as productive in my work as I have been since attending. Also, the feeling you will have for the days following the retreat is one of absolute clarity and calm, unlike anything I've experienced before. In particular, I would recommend Whit's course and Bodhi Bhavan for anyone looking to do a Vipassana retreat in Europe.