Published onFebruary 29, 2012Add a virtual directory to multiple sites in IIS 7.x using PowerShelliispowershellautomationweb-administrationA PowerShell script to add virtual directories to multiple IIS 7.x sites simultaneously, with instructions on usage and potential troubleshooting.
Published onFebruary 26, 2012Microsoft AppFabric vs Redis (Windows port)cachingperformanceredisappfabricbenchmarkingA comparison of performance between Microsoft AppFabric and Redis (Windows port) for caching, with benchmarks for setting and getting small strings and large byte arrays.
Published onJanuary 27, 2012Fun with mathematics: Dividing one by 998001 yields a surprising resultmathematicscuriositiesA mathematical curiosity where dividing 1 by 998001 results in a sequential pattern of numbers from 000 to 999.
Published onJanuary 26, 2012Never to be caught out again...programmingcsharplinqdebuggingA reminder about a common LINQ error in C# caused by missing the System.Linq namespace import.
Published onJanuary 25, 2012First look: Bitcasa Infinite Storagecloud-storagebitcasareviewsoftwareA first look at Bitcasa Infinite Storage, including installation process, file uploading, web portal, and initial impressions of the service.