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Add a virtual directory to multiple sites in IIS 7.x using PowerShell

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    Jac Timms

Someone needed to add virtual directory to a few dozen sites in IIS, so I wrote them a little script to do it. To use it save the code below as something like 'CreateVirDirs.ps1', open a Powershell prompt with administrator rights, cd to the directory you saved it in and then execute it with .CreateVirDirs.ps1

Import-Module WebAdministration
$sites = Get-Childitem 'IIS:Sites'
$name = "NewVirtualDirectory"
$vdPath = "D:\Temp"
foreach ($site in $sites) {
    $path = 'IIS:\Sites\' + $site.Name + '\' + $name
    New-Item $path -type VirtualDirectory -physicalPath $vdPath
    Write-Output $path

You should get output like:

PS D:\> .\CreateVirDirs.ps1
Name                 PhysicalPath
----                 ------------
NewVirtualDirectory  D:\Temp
IIS:\Sites\Default Web Site\NewVirtualDirectory
NewVirtualDirectory  D:\Temp
NewVirtualDirectory  D:\Temp
IIS:\Sites\Some Other Site\NewVirtualDirectory

That will add the virtual directory to every site in IIS, but you can limit it quite easily which is explained here. If you get an error due to not having the WebAdministration module, this might be of some use. Hope that helps!